The ultimate test

Thu 14 May 2009 17:12
Hello again dear reader!
Last night we sighted the lighthouse located on the most southern end of the Bermuda Island, Gibbs Hill. We spotted it when it was 53 nm away, so the visibility was good to say the least.
The problem is now, that we are still looking at the same damn lighthouse!!! From a little different angle though, but still. Last night at about 2220 the main engine stopped and we first thought it was lack of fuel, but when the tank was sounded, 10 cm was remaining. The wind is of course still right in our face, or shall we say, coming from where we want to go. We are tacking back and forth along the coast, which is quite nice but we'd rather be anchored in the marine taking a fresh shower and getting hold of some repairmen. Despite the lack of sleep last night and the rough weather and the breakdowns, we are actually enjoying the last part of this first leg. Miia is at the wheel ensuring we are keeping the shortest and fastest course and I'm fixing sails and trying to provide beverages as requested. Since the freezer can't be run without the main engine, we have lots of ice that needs to be consumed in various drinks.
First thing we want to do when we come in is (yes we have a list): Miia, shower and me, a shower as well and then a ships schandler and some craftsmen to fix the engine.
At the moment we have some 3 hours until we are entering the port of St George's marina at the north end of the island.
This trip is not over yet, but it surtainly has put the two of us through the tuffest of tests..
See ya!
Written at 01.00 pm: We finally made it! At 12.40 we set the anker! What a feeling!!!