18:39S, 173:59W,

Richard and Rachel Caswell
Thu 8 Oct 2009 18:08
Neiafu, Vavau.
Having a very busy time catching up with yachts coming in from all over, some we haven't seen since San Blas ! So many side roads along the way on this coconut run !
Really enjoying it here, been beach-combing,snorkeling through the caves, and even did an Indian cooking course one afternoon.!
 Will look forward to coming back here for a whole season, and enjoying this relaxed and friendly place.
The only dilemma is the number of earthquakes we've had which have also brought the Tsunami warnings and watches....they're not much fun at all.
Now gearing up for our big sail south...digging out all the thermals and winter woollies, as we hear NZ is having these lovely cold fronts sweeping up the country, all quite normal for this time of year, but not what we want for heading south....

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