Wednesday17th Deceber

Thu 18 Dec 2014 03:06
25 47N
15 28W
    QA brisk night with some big swells still. Made good progress, I recon we did 130 miles throiugh the water yesterday, following the curve of Gran Cararia Island.
Our course is roughly SW although we are trying to be in line with the considerable swell so that we surf down the waves and don't rock and roll more tha is necessary. Hard to do at night when you cant see the swell in the dark ( though the stars are amazing.)So our course is erratic but still going quite fast.
Late morning Tim and I spent a happpy two hours rigging the starboard spinnaker pole so that it is held in three places bu lines and is effectively fixed. Then we had to get the gib sheets for the second poled out jib set up and brought back to the cockpit. Once raised the sail set well and we were aboe to fly the first jib on the port side so we were under twn headsails in a good downwing sail plan.  George the windvane managed a good course for most of the time but he finds the swll kncks hih off course and needs a gentle hand to get him back on track. We have run the windpilot and autohelm together and they seem to work well this way.