
Sat 8 Dec 2007 12:21
15:59:97N 44:54:02W
Hey All!!!
Now its weekend, and many people are perhaps prepairing for christmas or doing shopping. Here is no shopping and no prepairing, a simple thing like prepairing a meal has become an enormous task. We are still fighting against numerous rainshowers, big waves, suddenly raising strong winds, and everyone is very dissapointed to find this kind of weather that close to the Caraibien. Early this morning, however, the sky was almost clear, but at sunrise, we found again a new grey day.
The moral is maintained high, eaven in spite of the loss of good and precious sleep, and everyone onboard are doing a tremendeous job. We are all determined to win this battle against the elements, and our goal is to arrive at St. Lucia before sunset next friday.
Big kisses fram all and to all from - Jakob, Daniel, Reinhold, Raf og Allan
ship:  HELLENA II - Middelfart - Denmark
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