position report

Mon 3 Dec 2007 16:00
Hi again - as che cap. said earlier in the position report, we had no time to make a bigger report, as we were busy with the spinnaker. We really were vere busy, as it had been tied around the fore stay, and we had to  launch a man in the masthead to fix the problem. Everybody was working hard for three hours, and now we are back to normal. The spinnaker is down in one piece, and soon ready to be reengaged. Funny enough, I had just asked the others, what I (Allan) could write in todays mail, as nothing big had happend within the last 24 hours, and one minute late, we had plenty action on the ship. Last night was calm, most of us got a good nights sleep. I'ts now getting really warm, as we are now below 20 degrees north. We have big waves from behind, so the boat is rolling once in a while, but everybody has now got used to the movements. Unfortunately our batterycapacity do not allow us to see film in the evening (as they are on other boats), but I guess we can live without.
Best regards from Daniel, Jakob, Raf, Reinholdt og Allan
ship:  HELLENA II - Middelfart - Denmark
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