Men at work

Andreas Haas
Fri 4 Dec 2009 22:06
16.18.30N   046.36.89W
Apparently, a partially completed blog was sent last Monday describing your men at work. Let's get back to this important and significant report.
The bearded pirates are hard at work. Aside from our regular Watch duties, we all have serious extra duties to perform to keep ESCAPADA tidy, functional and
in ship shape. It's not just catching and cleaning the fish, telling each other good stories and jokes, putting sun lotion on each other's back and doing fashion
shows, but much more serious and important seafaring tasks. Just like in the Navy, there must be discipline, order, regime and total cleanliness.  All of our jobs
and responsibilities are clearly defined and posted in the galley on the wall to read and follow.
As the Commander of his yacht, Captain Flagpole has established a set of ground rules  to ensure the health and safety of the crew and the technical good order of
ESCAPADA. A sign that reminds all of us that "The Captain's Word is Law " is prominently posted at the chart table.  It is best to follow this, because the punishment
could be severe ...! The Captain's main job is to get us across the Atlantic safely  which includes passage planning, navigation, sailing tactics and management of the
crew. And to relax from these serious duties, he also feeds us daily gourmet lunches and dinners.
                     RIGHT ON COURSE TO ST. LUCIA                                NEIL'S DAY AS GALLEY SERVANT                         BOBBIE BRINGING YOU THE BLOG 
Bobbie is the ship medical officer whose job it is to makes sure everyone stays healthy. In the unlikely event of any injury or illness the Nurse will make it better. 
He also is the on-board journalist and photographer, bringing you this daily blog.
                                                          NEIL GETTING HIS HEAD AROUND THE ENGINE               MOSES THE RIGGER RIGGING THE RIG 
Neil is responsible for daily engine checks to ensure it is in proper working order. We run the engine (in neutral) for 2 hours at sunrise and 2 at sunset only to
charge the batteries to run our navigation equipment and autopilot. Additionally, Neil is our VHF radio man, sends our daily Position Report to the ARC Rally
controllers and keeps an eye on our competition.   
"Moses the Rigger" parts the seas for us so we can go faster. He is great at multi-tasking and can repair the rig, obtain and analyze the daily weather report, play
with his sextant while fishing with a lure with no hook. He still can't understand why he isn't catching anything.
The night is here and there is no moon at all.   It will be a dark, but very starry and beautiful night with only the sound of the wind in the sail and the splashing waves
of the Atlantic.