In the middle of the Atlantic

Andreas Haas
Tue 1 Dec 2009 20:42
19.21.78N    040.12.96W
Last night, during his watch Manuel (a.k.a. Speed Freak) felt the need for speed and set a new  ESCAPADA record of 16.1 knots.  As Peter(a.k.a. Bobbie) took
over at daybreak, the usual beautiful sunrises were replaced by a series of very dark and ominous rain clouds a couple of miles to our port. Soon they began to close
 in on us. It was obvious from the radar that these were local squalls which were moving directly in our path. carrying strong wind and heavy rain.  We quickly reefed in
 the Genoa, raised the spray hood  and prepared to weather the squalls. As the first passed beating us with torrential rain, the calm set in with very little wind. This was
like a short rest break before the second and much stronger squall completely turned the sky into a cover of dark grey and unleashed severe wind and drenching rain
on ESCAPADA. We maintained course through the storm with the winds dancing circles around the boat. After about 30 minutes and a nice boat wash, the sky
cleared, the sun came out and we all started to dry off with a nice cup of hot coffee made by our own Italian coffee expert on board.  
                                                               Here comes the rain....                                                                Bobbie weathering the storm
The fishing line went back in the water again and after less than half an hour Peter had another Dorado on the line  This gave us a great opportunity to plan our
mid-way celebration menu.  We had passed our mid-way point across the Atlantic earlier in the night, having sailed 1450 nautical miles since leaving Las Palmas
with a mere 1250 left to go. Based on our daily average of 160NM/day, we now expect to arrive on 09 December. The Captain (a.k.a. Flagpole), as promised had
a wonderful surprise for us to celebrate this special moment. Champagne and Foie Gras, fresh Dorado sashimi with rice, salad and coffee with chocolate. Nick
(a.k.a. Neil)  for who it is always beer o'clock, appropriately had an nice cold one.
                                              Mid-way celebration                                Champagne from Flagpole                                A feast for the crew