At one with surroundings

Rowtec Support vessel "Desiderata"
Carl Theakston Mark Terry
Sat 9 May 2009 12:40
Today was potentially a day of being becalmed as the wind dissapeared altogether, so we turned to the iron sail and motored towards our next appointment for most of the day until the wind started to fill as darkness fell and we could at last hoist sails and and make progress with an ocean swell to help us along, we had a visitor this afternoon in the shape of what we all agreed was a pilot whale, however brief the flirtation was, it is always an inspiring and spiritual experience to encounter such stunning wildlife in their own environment and surely one of the great motivations for being out here, the Indian Ocean itself has so far been kind to us with it's weather and supply of food and astounding in its vastness,colour and beauty, we head further west now feeling our journey with Desiderata is still just beginning and enjoying a sense of purpose and tranquility with our surroundings.
A fine meal of freeze roast chicken stuffing mash and veg was the perfect end the sun is setting ahead of us to the north west and the moon is high and bright in the east

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