Bird RIP

Rowtec Support vessel "Desiderata"
Carl Theakston Mark Terry
Mon 18 May 2009 11:14
Today was a sad day for all aboard Desiderata as our dear friend "Bird" passed away in the night. Bird was a wee little feathery fiend who turned up yesterday morning as we were working on deck, as you will have gathered we named him Bird. He was a tiny dark feathered little fellow about the size of a robin with green plumage on his tail and from the look of his short pointed beak obviously a land bird who had either lost his way while migrating or been blown offshore by strong winds. He was very friendly and allowed us to stroke him which made him even more familiar and he started folowng us about the boat even coming inside when the sun went down. We were worried for his welfare so tried to feed and water him but to no avail as the first sighting of this morning was poor Birds lifeless body on the galley floor. We afforded him a sea burial and feel saddened at his loss as he became a mascot and good omen for us in the short time he spent aboard Desiderata.