Rowtec Support vessel "Desiderata"
Carl Theakston Mark Terry
Mon 20 Apr 2009 09:23
After last minute preparations by the
fleet competeing for the Indian Ocean Rowing Race 2009 all crews
seemed relaxed and focused on a good start. There were few dry eyes on the
quayside as the teams and solo's were given an emotional send off by their
friends and families and a great sense of excitement for the challenges
that lay ahead over the next few months. With mixed weather reports over the
final week everyone was relieved to see favourable wind direction from the
south east and glorious sunshine. So with great anticipation and relief after
long months of training and preparing for this event that will shape and
change the lives of those competeing and those watching closely, the fleet of
ten ocean rowing boats made their way to the start line and the beginning of
possibly the greatest journey of their lives.