Ghosts ???
Rowtec Support vessel "Desiderata"
Carl Theakston Mark Terry
Fri 8 May 2009 13:12
Since taking to the high seas on Desiderata we
feel, well two of us do that we are not alone out here. Suffice to say
there has been some strange goings on in the night!!! It started with what can
only be described as a few strange noises, not the kind usually associated with
being at sea, which manifested themsleves into voices speaking to us, to date we
have counted seven different voices which minus our own still leaves four
unexplained chatterings on board, now the sceptics amongst you may be thinking
what a dull brained bunch of supersticious numpties we are, and true there is
some mileage in that, but the simple truth is Desiderata is haunted and the
three of us are not alone? Other than that all is well and the Tuna is going
down a treat still,