Day 48 - L'Esterre Bay Carriacou

Clearlake II
Graham van't Hoff
Sat 24 Dec 2011 13:28
Current Position "12:28.4N 61:29.0W" We spent some time in Clifton shopping and visiting with the people there - Benjamin had a quick play with another 2 year old his size in the local park. After a quick snorkel at trip (more perilous for Graham because his Blackberry took a swim as well), we sailed a short trip over to Hillsborough Carriacou in Grenada. We had a rather rough ride in the dinghy to shore with huge surge, but quite good squeals from the kids who enjoyed it. After a rather hot and bothered check with customs and a quick shop, we moved over to a much more beautiful spot L'Esterre Bay, off the beach and watched the sunset.
The winds are quite nice now and we're off for another snorkelling trip on Sandy Island.

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