Still in Plymouth and still waiting ....

WAITING . We had a visit this morning from Sam the Spanner Man, whose
name is actually Phil. He’ll be along with his special spanners
which go round funny shapes and into invisible spaces tomorrow, to remove part
of the gear box. The problem is almost certainly merely a seal
replacement and small bits like that but if the shaft is scored or damaged then
the only source of a replacement we have come up with (“we” being
several people spending ages on computers and faxes and the phone) is in the
States. Fingers crossed that that’s not the case. Time estimate: one day to get it out, one day to put it
back, one day or two on Phil’s workbench; plus waiting time for the parts
to arrive. With the weekend, when nothing happens, adding to the delay. We’re
talking about a week at the least, and I am very gloomy and upset about this.
This is what I paid a man in The wait is going to make us all anxious also about the arrival
date in the Canaries. But it’s not the least good thinking about
that until we know when we can leave …. And then there may be more delay
because of weather dependency. Right now would be great, with winds from
the north and the east. Instead of sitting here up a remote
backwater, in the relentless rain, The men have packed their bags – they’re back
off home until further notice. Bill has already left: train to catch to Sounds of Davy returning. 4.15! Bye! |