51:55.373N 001:27.373E

ALBA and her travels
Jim Panks
Wed 9 May 2012 07:33
Cork Hole - six miles from Walton Backwaters entrance.
Well we are just one final step to our destination. Cruising along at just 3.4 knots we will have to do a few laps of an imaginary race course to waste a couple of hours before the tide will be high enough for our entry into the Walton Backwaters. Low tide is around 0845hrs and we need at least two hours over low water. So being prudent we will enter at 1100hrs and arrive in harbour around 1145/1200hrs.
It's pretty miserable at the moment, drizzle and visability down to half a mile. We are around 100meters from the outbound shipping lane to Harwich and Felixstowe. Just had a large DFDS roll on roll off ferry go by and a massive container ship which could probably hold a months worth of Chinese rubbish products !!!!
We have been navigating for the last five days on
An iPad because our inboard screen has had an electrical fit and does what it pleases including making an infuriating beep continuously. So a £400 iPad with £40 worth of software has got us home. Not the best solution but better than none. Raymarine will be getting a nice charming letter asking why their electronics are not waterproof or damp proof. And why should a radar dome half way up the mast break off in high winds. I think the mounting brackets are sub standard. They charge an arm and leg and then after 3 years say they are out of date and you have to buy a whole new system. They will have to show some discount or I'll go elsewhere.
Right I'm freezing and need a cup of tea. The last update when we tie up in a couple of hours.
Cheers from 'the Mötley Crew of Alba'