East Coast Mainline

ALBA and her travels
Jim Panks
Wed 11 Apr 2012 12:42
I'll be glad to get to work on the things that still need to be done. I'll have to get the engine service done and on Friday the keel, rudder and screw are being de-barnicled by Barnicle Bill the diver?
Saturday is taken up with a quick trip back to London and Sunday lunchtime I'll be having a G&T in Valencia. Monday Alex arrives and we have the last minute shopping and fuelling to do. Bits and bobs and sea trials Tuesday morning and off to Ibiza in the early evening. Will give a chance to try out all the systems and have a run ashore. Then on the Thursday morning it's a 530nm jaunt to Vilamoura where we pick up Matt and do the 1200nm trip across the Bay of Biscay. Well know its time to stop the talk and do the walk (obviously on the boat as I haven't mastered walking on water yet).
I'll let you know how things are going.
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