40:04.46N 08:57.09W

ALBA and her travels
Jim Panks
Tue 1 May 2012 17:19
We are on our way again but this time with the hope that the southerly wind will stay with us. It's different to finally be achieving a reasonable speed and an average nearly twice as fast as our fastest to date. Watching the waves roar up behind and then accelerating us forward before we roll down the next following wave. We are doing a four hour watch system where we share sleep in cabin, sleep/rest on deck and watch keeping.
At our present velocity we hope to start our three day passage to the English. Channel across Biscay around 2100 Wednesday. Which means with really favourable winds we will be home before we thought.
The wind is at 34 knots at at this time we are cruising along at average of 6.3 knots with a maximum of 7.8 knots. Matt & Alex are at present getting every ounce of speed safely out of the fore sail.
More news Wednesday