51:51.740N 1:15.322E

ALBA and her travels
Jim Panks
Thu 10 May 2012 15:18
Titchmarsh Marina - Walton on Thames
Well folks three tired sailors alighted at our berth where Sue was awaiting to greet us. We had a celebratory glass of Portuguese Special Beer I had been saving and it was off to a fine Walton Fish Restaurant for a Skate & Chip late lunch. Then home for a days recuperation. Yep we did what was turning out to be a bit of a Johna's journey. Most things that could go wrong did but we overcame it. The final straw for me was having an argument with a sand/mud bank on the way in, but now I know the way in it won't happen again. We just stopped dead and as the water rushed past the bow I knew we had run aground - straight into astern mode and we were free. Twenty meters later we entered the marina where our final problem occurred, the bow thruster did not want to play but I managed to berth us perfectly alongside at the end of a massive journey for us all. We all learnt a bit, and a bit about ourselves. I think true grit from us all won the day. Matt done a superb job at night with just an iPad for navigation to get us through the larges wind farm at sea in Europe around 5 miles by seven miles in the middle of the Thames Estuary and slap bang in the busiest seal lanes in the world. You could say a Waterworld in the North Sea.
I came across the old WW1 & WW2 anti aircraft fort called 'Sealand' [http://www.sealandgov.org/] - us oldies remembering it being declared a separate country and the Army/Police being sent out to reclaim it for the Crown. Then in the very foggy conditions we watched the Goliath's of the sea come and go on there journeys around the world from Felixstowe/Harwich. Our final surprise was seeing an old Thames Barge restored perfectly glide past at about .5 of a knot going out to sea. What an achievement by us getting Alba out of the Med to her new home. Thanks to you all for your encouragement and wishes - it made the difference.
Thats it for now from the Motley Crew of ALBA.
Next adventure will be announced soon and it may include Edam Cheese and a bit of Scotch - More tales of a salty sort soon.
Bye for Now