51:07.216N 001:25.471E

ALBA and her travels
Jim Panks
Tue 8 May 2012 20:29
Dover behind us and all the zig zagging around ferries. Now we enter the land of sand. The Goodwin Sands. Them its across the Thames Estuary and home.
Tides against us and we are plodding along and about 3.5 knots. This is my penultimate watch.
We listened to a bit of drama earlier when the Eastbourne lifeboat went to the aid of a fisherman who we had passed only an hour before. His engine was dead. Remember when you see a RNLI box to put some change in it. It cost me 480€ for the Spanish equivalent and they want paying in cash when you get to port.
Well the other part of the motley crew are resting and will hopefully come alive when it's there turn to stand watch
Bye for now. Alba and the Mötley Crew.