36:53.571N 07:46.142W

ALBA and her travels
Jim Panks
Sat 28 Apr 2012 12:41
Used a lot of diesel because the wind seems to change. Every time we turn the wind turns into our faces. Not good.
We are stopping to get fuel and water and hopefully we will be out within a couple of hours. Then it's the big seas and a course for Blighty.
Alex has grown a fancy to being on Captains defaulters. He was brought before me for failure to turn too for his watch which caused the Captain to punish him with 1 days pay and privileges and 1 days stoppage of leave. To run concurrent. He will also have to purchase 5 packs of streaky bacon for our breakfast. The captain and crew agree that this is a fair punishment considering the gravity of the crime.
We had some excitement this morning when a pod of dolphins came alongside for some fun antics. Amusing to see them avoid the bow. We are also blessed with the antics of our friendly gannets diving for fish and doing nice bumpy landings on the sea. It's funny how the time flys by. We just had our first 1200 now we are having the second after we reverted to BST. We could have a third by going to UT/GMT. But that's to captains discretion.
Right time for lunch and practice action stations and prepare to enter harbour. Captain has to ensure crew are smart and do things to order.
See you soon shipmates