Yorkshire Rows Blog
Yorkshire Rows
Tue 2 Feb 2016 18:36
We are starting to get a lot of wheel failures as the ball bearings collapse so being chief caretaker of techie stuff I have been doing a lot of balancing precariously on deck surrounded by tools in high seas fixing!! I now have an apprentice, Frances, who is learning the tricks of the trade.
We are loving the nights, not only is it cool (it is sooooooo hot during the days now) but the sky is full of stars in a real 3D viewing. We get 3-4 nighttime rowing shifts of 2 hours so we get plenty of time to really check it all out. I always look up at the moon at my kids bed time and send huge hugs and bedtime wishes their way, knowing that same moon is looking down at them. The book 'I love you to the moon and back' was always a favourite with both my boys, funny all the memories coming back as we row. I spoke with the family yesterday and it was lovely to hear all the news. Every time we get a call or make a call we then all sit on deck (with 2 rowing) and share the news, we get very excited about it all.
So, we are hoping for some stronger winds to come and help us along a little and help these 4 slightly older working mums achieve their goal of getting to the other side of this little pond! Less than 900 miles to go and almost 1800 miles rowed!! Who'd 'ave thought it. Anyway, signing off for now. Niki xxxx
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