Yorkshire Rows
Wed 17 Feb 2016 15:43
16 feb Days at sea = 58 (too many) We have covered 2438 nautical miles we
have 367 miles to go and I think these may be our longest days, we are so eager
to get to land now and it still seems far away. In the meantime we still
continue to hand steer so are basically always one rower down, we have made so
many attempts to fix the autohelm we are all out of ideas and have now
resigned ourselves to continuing the rest of (the journey steering our selves
(so whats new) we already did about 900 plus miles without the autohelm and are
becoming quite expert at surfing the waves. Let me tell you a little more about
the 3 amazing women I get to share this adventure with, there is Helen (Princess
and captain sparrow legs) she is a woman of steel when the going gets tough
Helen gets going all thats needed is a little “gentle persasion” sometimes and
she is there, reliable , strong, determined and very positive influence on the
boat. She doesn’t realise this but she is very funny providing us with
lots of entertainment just by being Helen, most of her items she has no idea
where they are on the boat so Nikki is her maid and servant helps her to find
them, I don’dt help at all! Everyone should take a Helen with them
wherever they go, in addition she sees things like, spirits and white feathers I
beleive her but not sure the others are truly convinced. Then there is
Niki (Captian road runner), she rows so fast none of us can keep up with
her. she is very special, kind, generous, caring and very very safety
concious. There is no way you can forget to hook on as Niki will spot you and
make sure you are completley safe Niki is an expert steerer and has the
patience of a saint she taught Helen how to steer! She is also our cheif
mender of all things mechanical like the seats and wheels and rowing
gates. Niki talks continually all her thoughts come pouring out verbally
all the time so we always know what she is feeling and thinking which is helpful
when we are trying to look after each other. I can’t mention Niki wihtout
mentionin food, her metabolism is so high she has to eat all day and I mean all
day I will never know how she manages to stay so thin. One of the best
things about Niki is her patience it makes up for my lack of it! Last but
not least there is the lovely Frances (Captain
Cucumber) Frances is kind, caring and
extremley chilled out, nothing ruffles her feathers, mrs cool she is,
Frances helps to keep us calm in a crisis and always always makes an effort to
look at the world form the perspective of others. She is understanding empathetic and has a wonderful laugh
that is jsut quite infectious she sees the funny side of things all the
tiem. So these are my crew the best crew in the world that has moved us
htousands of miles across this big blue ocean adn the crew that makes this
adventure specail in my heart and soul.
Skipper Janette
xxx |