Yorkshire Rows
Tue 5 Jan 2016 16:28
20:26.925N 030:19.948W
Family, freinds and supporters, apologies for not blogging sooner .
its been a hectic two weeks, yes it can be hectic on the big blue ocean!
We have been struggling with power management amongst other things. Why is
it when things go wrong its always at 3am in the morning when its pitch black ,
windy and a very rough sea. When the power went down we lost our auto
pilot and GPS and had to steer by hand using a compass it was a bit of a
challenge!. For five days we could not turn on the water maker for fear of
losing power so had to pump water by hand to get 10 litres takes several hours
of specific hand movement on the pump! We have also had to use our paraanchor
twice once when the wind and sea was pushing us back East and once when we lost
all power on the boat. Anyhow all going good now we have sufficient power
for the moment we think the battery monitor is faulty and so stops thigns
working on the boat) still need to conserve it as much as possible.
We are still learning to crawl aruond the boat there have been no calm seas
whatsoever and lots of crashing waves just when you get dry another one pops up
to wet you again. We are all getting along fine so far so good, Helen
keeps losing stuff her favourite words are “where is my ....?” not sure how she
manages to lose things in such a small place. Nikki is concened (probably
obsessive) with the food whether we will have enough or not, we all think there
is too much but we can’t convince her. Frances provides her usual calm
support “it’ll be fine” she came out of the cabin yesterday sporting a little
bikini! its not really beach weather yet but it was intended to help with
the chaffing (lest we go naked eventually). As for me I keep trying
to tidy clean up a bit obsessivley really!!. Thanks agian to all of
you for supporting us can’t do this without you, you are all in our hearts and
minds and you are keeping us going xxxx Skipper Janette and Crew . Please ignore
gramamtical errors and typos not easy to do on rocking
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