Yorkshire Rows
Thu 28 Jan 2016 14:25
18:20.738N 040:21.264W
Mon 25 Jan Family, freinds and supporters yesterday marked 5 weeks on the
ocean and we think we probably have another 4 if we get good weather and
seas. Still have very dirty greasy hair Helen was desperate to wash her
hair yesterday and we are conserving power so not using water maker much which
means no hair wash. You have to be careful what you wish for as she then
banged her head on the cabin hatch it started bleeding and so I could see the
cut I had to pour normal saline all over the spot so she did get a patch of hair
cleaned any how she is fine now and still has dirty (now a littel red)
hair. Yesterday morning the sea was not our friend it was pushing us in
the wrong direction and broach (side) on with the waves, when a big wave hit we
were literally knocked completley out of our seats and the boat came very close
to capsizing a few times thank fully she didnt roll but we all have bruises
everywhere, Frances took a big knock and banged her head and shoulder so much
that she went into mild shock and hence forth the old nurse in me came out again
to tend to her medical need. All is well today the sea is with us wind could be
a bit stronger but we are thankful for what we have. Today we decided that
we will always try to be grateful and thankful, its easy to moan about a sore
bum, the weather , the sea, the small cabins , uninteresting food, little sleep
and continual rowing, but we have decided that whatever happens on this boat we
will always be “GLAD”, so now when one of us says it too hot we will follow it
with Im glad though because it means the sun is on the solar panels and giving
us power etc...... We are looking for the positive in everything, we also
know that we are lucky to have this experience and there are those much less
fortunate than us including many of whom our two charities serve. Talking
of which please if you haven’t already donated dig deep and help one of
our charities either Yorkshire Air Ambulance and or Maggies. We have two
justgiving pages one for each charity, the links to them can be found on the
home page of our website www.yorkshirerows.com.
Any amount would be gratefully appreciated by our chosen charities. Thank
you so much. We have had news of receiving lots of support comments, good
wishes from all over the world, this really keeps us going to hear of so many
people thinking about us and offering kind words of support, thank you to all of
you it really means a lot to us and keeps us moving the boat towards
Antigua. Skipper Janette and crew Niki, Helen, Frances xxxx Apologies for
typos!! |