Frantic activity at the Chinese shipyard

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sun 15 Jul 2012 04:45
Trouters is back alongside and although we still dry out it's easier to get on and off the boat.
No electricians this weekend, but it would have been a bit tricky for them to work.
Engines not yet fully re-installed (now there's a surprise!) so not tested
John the GRP will trim the rudders this week so hopefully by next weekend I'll have them back on, even if I have to hire a diver to do it!
Still no real plan. Hopefully I'll move to the West in a couple of weeks. I have to leave Fiji by the beginning of September, so maybe Vanuatu for a month then New Caledonia. Then it'll be decision time. Oz, Malaysia or back to Fiji.Or maybe I'll stock up on cheap cans/flour etc etc here and go straight to New Caledonia or.....
Or sell Trouters in Oz. The jury is still out on that one. I've had an informal valuation by somebody familiar with the current state of affairs and I was quite surprised, pleasantly so.
Decisions decisions.
In the meantime the eBook is finished. I'm editing at the moment and I hope to be able to get through two chapters a day, perhaps three (short chapters). Possibly ready for uploading in seven days. I'll keep you advised! In the meantime I might have put chapter two on the other blog. You'll just have to go there and find out.