Poemtry Corner

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sun 15 Mar 2009 11:54
Had a pleasant day ashore yesterday. Took a long
(well, at least 5KM) walk round to Anse D'Arlet, had a leisurely lunch then
taxiied back to pick up the dingy. All being (S)well, off tomorrow morning to St
Pierre, check out then Tuesday up to Dominica, in company with Antares 2 (Lois
& Derek).
Anyway, thanks to 'Ramblin Sid Rumpo' for the
offering below. I've slightly 'tweaked' it where it didn't quite work, but I
make no claim to authorship!!!
The Ballad of Troutbridge (Don't mention
the bacon).
Mr B
went down to the sea
in his brand new multi-hulled boat.
There was surely no ham
but with 5 tons of jam
he barely managed to float!
With much pitching and tossing
on the long ocean crossing
the biggest mistake
it is sad to relate
was baked beans and steak
for breakfast, dinner and tea.
When they finally reached
that tropical beach
now safely in Carlisle Bay
He said:'Now look here
what I should have is beer
but went for a vat of Mount gay
He had plenty of money
and just enough honey
or so it appeared at the time.
But a surfeit of punch
substituted for lunch
left him almost unable to pay.
The things that went bust
not withstanding the rust
he thought would be fixed in a day.
He said: I'll be fine
I'll just drink this cheap wine
and happily sailed away!
After three weeks in port
he said 'I've been caught'
by the usual St Lucia delay
So he sat in the bar
saying 'just one more jar'
but ain't got the dollars to pay.
Escape came at last
with an easterly blast
which blew him to sunny St Pierre.
But dawn the next day
the calm water was gorn
so up anchor and out of the way
Away to the midden*
he surely was bidden
in spite of its malodorous stink
Ashore for a day
now unwilling to pay
for even so much as a drink!
But, knowing our man
as only Pete can
he couldn't stop spending his stash.
A new RIB he must own
though davits might grown
'no problem it's only more cash!
* the anchorage at Trois Islets is sheltered, but
the mangrove trees have an aroma of their own!
Thank you, Ramblin Sid, I'll call you (but don't
wait by the phone).