"Home" again for a while

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Fri 30 May 2008 17:58
Left Poole on Thu morning at 0920, motored to the west-bound traffic lane when the wind picked up enough to sail. 5.5kts under power, 7 - 7.5 kts under sail, way to go!!! Arrived Alderney at 2030 to find 'no room at the inn'. Every buoy taken. Anchored in the NE corner of Braye harbour (with an easterly wind) so didn't get a fantastic nights rest.
Fri morning left Braye at 0830 and took the tide through the Swinge to Guernsey. Arrived a little early to get into Beaucette, so in about .25nm vis (fog!!!) meandered down the Little Russell into St Peter Port, picked Dick up at the steps and groped into Havelet Bay for a couple of hours on the hook. When the fog lifted, motored round to Beaucette and tied up conveniently close to the laundry! The couple of jobs should be finished on the boat by Wednesday, so planning on leaving Friday after a last minute shop. Of course, lots to organise like last minute pension problems but actually I can hang around until they're sorted ~ taken me a while to finally realise that I don't 'have' to be tied by any timetable!
Flags are ready (apart from OCC flag, but I'll pick one up this weekend).
On board Troutbridge
Probably at sea, if not in a sunny anchorage
07924 426 393