Life and stuff

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Wed 11 Feb 2009 12:40
14:05.485N 60:57.795W
Well, dropped Bob off then Helen & I had a
reasonable sail up to Marigot Bay. Anchored outside the lagoon this time, didn't
go ashore for a meal, then in the morning did go ashore for a brief wander
around, but it was very touristy. Had an energetic beat (no, that's a sailing
term!) up to Rodney Bay and anchored off Pigeon island.
Dingied into the marina yesterday to catch up with
Moonshiner and do a bit of shopping. We passed a dental surgery, so I popped in
to arrange a scrape & checkup. The hygenist was there, so into the chair.
Hmmn, 30 minutes later I had had a wisdom tooth removed, which was just floating
in the gum! Painless, I have to say and so far no 'after effects'. I have to go
back next monday for a check and Xray to make sure things are Ok and to renew a
filling! Expensive day (actually, not too bad, the dentist charged US$ 127.7 for
the hygenist and the extraction).
Then it was back out to the boat and waiting the
arrival of 'Tiger Frightener', who duly appeared and came aboard for drinks. We
all went ashore for a drink at 1830, which turned into a meal (thanks Abbey).
Plans are elastic, maybe into the marina tomorrow to get some Raymarine warranty
work done and a trip around the island with Tiger Frightener. Probably move on
the end of next week, all being well. St Lucia is a pleasant place (so far) but
very touristy and geared up for charter boats.