I shall be having words

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Fri 18 May 2012 23:25
The part that Martin the Meknik lost has been ordered from the UK. Total cost F$784. I have sent MtM a preliminary text expressing my initial feelings on the subject and I will be expanding on this when I next see him.
Had a meeting with Ernest the Gasman this morning. He will be coming on Monday morning to give me an estimate for overhauling the gas system. There was a song about that, 'twas on a Monday morning when the gasman came to call'.
My cabin is now complete

A better piccie next week. I also have plumbing

So things are progressing. Both fuel tanks have now been drained of gunge and flushed through.
One final bit of news, Ema the Agent has found an illustrator for the Trembling Tim childrens' stories I wrote and the article I wrote for 'Attitudes and Latitudes' magazine will be published in October or November (this year). I don't get paid until it's published, but at least that's a bit of money coming in albeit down the road somewhat.