Re: Delay?

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Wed 30 Jun 2010 23:44
Not me being insensitive, must have been that Moonshiner bloke....I'm sitting here in Noumea, bags packed, epoxy drums lashed to the donkey, already to leap into action. Heathers run off to NZ to collect the company chopper (just in case)...not me whom mentioned rocks!!
Incidentally, tho I'm sure you have been thro all scenario's, a mono that fell off a wave in the Caribbean split the hull for a couple of metres...sawed up the bunk boards...plenty of goop (sikaflex I think) and plenty of self tappers..this was attached on the inside, then three days to Aruba; American, "Joss" I think the boat name was.
Hope all goes well with not too many delays.
Not sure of our direction at the mo...only just finished putting Duende back together,no thanks to the loss adjuster in Australia, not one yard in Oz capable of replacing the front beam as they couldn't see how to do it!! Loss adjuster wanted me to tell them how to do it AND oversee the job then refused to pay me my time etc....he can coco..did it all ourselves in the end..just wasted nearly 3 months dealing with the bastards. (trouble is you never know until you use them!)
New Harken mast track finally arrived, now fitted and grand as ote'.
If any of you guys need work or bits for your boats I can definitely recommend NZ (tho trip down can be a bit of a pain) or as a last resort Noumea (at least you get service here tho a bit pricey. Can get bits imported tax free. DHL--1 day from US, 1 week through the airport here..hey ho).
Good luck with the Poxy
Heather and Dennis
ps Where IS Dick?
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