Belated update

17:31.579S 149:34.040W
TechniMarine repair yard
Sorry I haven�t posted anything for a few days, or responded to emails come to that. According to the internet provider I should have been able to get wifi at the boatyard, but needless to say having spent US$60 for 20 hours worth there is no wifi!
Anyway, the boat was lifted out successfully last Monday, a very professional job I�m relieved to say. The pictures should all be self-explanatory and it looks like there won�t be many problems, apart from��. L
1)��� it would seem the holding tank in the keel has been damaged.
2)��� I can�t get the saildrives examined until the middle of next week
3)��� Next week is a three day week (Bastille Day celebrations)
4)��� Not sure if I should order the props until I get a report on the saildrives
5)��� The batten-holder that failed (separate incident) isn�t available locally
6)��� Actually, very little is held in stock locally!!!
I haven�t seen a great deal of Tahiti yet, although I�m now very familiar with the walk into Papeete (about 20 minutes) and various electrical stores (replacement deck working bulb and steaming light bulb� guessed it, not in stock!).
I�m about to commence battle with the insurance broker concerning the level of excess on the policy. Basically I rejected the cover initially offered last year for a couple of reasons; those reasons were addressed and the premium remained the same, however I was not made aware that the broker had approached different underwriters and the excess was now �4250 not �2500! I asked the brokers to email me the new policy and cover note as the hard copy sent to Guernsey would never catch up with me (what part of �sailing around the World so I don�t get snail-mail delivered for many months, if ever� causes such a problem to institutions like insurance brokers, banks, and all government departments in general I wonder?). Needless to say nothing was forthcoming and to perfectly honest I had other things on my mind so didn�t chase it up. Let the �fun� begin!