And then there were two

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Thu 14 Jun 2012 07:08

Looking more like a sailing boat as the days go by!
No 'news' from Martin, I will chase him tomorrow. Arun the Elektrik should have returned from the Solomon Isles today, I will ring him tomorrow afternoon if he hasn't rung me.
Butto is repairing some drawers that had got smashed in the crash. I've been sitting planning out the final couple of chapters of the eBook I'm going to self-publish. I really could finish the first draft in a couple of days, if I could concentrate on it. I just keep getting an almost uncontrollable urge to strangle somebody, no prizes for guessing who. Romina (RSYC club manager) informs me that you get thirty years to life for murder in Fiji, although manslaughter is less. Whilst she feels there are extenuating circumstances she is advising against any precipitate action.
Having slipped over twice on the walk down the hill this morning, I decided to finish early and get some new 'Jimmy Chews'. I walked up to my favourite Korean factory-outlet store and brought THREE pairs of slip-on shoes. I also brought a pair of deck shoes. Not exactly Clarkes' quality, but they'll do for 'best run ashore kit', if I ever get to have a run ashore, that is.