Natural shower
Marjan Golobic
Wed 9 Dec 2009 10:46
We could see it coming. Grey sheets of rain
bearing down on us. Just before the downpour my crew were scrambling to put on
foul-weather gear while I was shedding every stitch on my body but the
swim suit. So there I was in the cockpit taking the full blow of cats and dogs,
washing off my skin fifteen days' worth of salt. Nothing like a shower in a
tropical rainstorm. Like they say: all the best things in life are free.
The wind died down to 14 knots, so we furled the
genoa and deployed the Genny and enjoyed a whole afternoon of gennaker sailing
at speeds of up to 8 knots. During the night we crossed paths with a Brazilian
cargo ship carrying a load of wood chips to Italy. We had a pleasant chat with
the radio operator, who wondered why we were not visible on the AIS. I replied
that we did not have a transponder, but should be very clearly visible on the
radar screen, as we have a very large radar reflector, which he
Our resident handyman and tactician, Jean-Luc,
surprised us with his culinary skills last evening by preparing a very
tasty Cantonese rice dish with dark soy sauce.
Dragi jadralci, prijatelji in znanci iz
Opravicujem se vam, ker do zdaj na tem blogu nisem
napisal ene same besede v kleni slovenscini. V Bruslju sem si
ustvaril veckulturni in vecjezikovni druzabni krog, kjer je lingua franca
anglescina. Ker je ta blog namenjen zelo sirokemu obcinstvu, sem se
odlocil za anglescino.
Ob tej priloznosti zelim pozdraviti vse
slovenske jadralce, znance in prijatelje, ki me spremljajo na moji
cezatlantski dogodivscini. Zlasti pozdravljam clane mojega bivsega jadralnega
kluba Potepuh in predvsem Mitja Kobala, ki mi je v Las Palmasu pomagal
pripraviti barko.