Shaken and stirred

Marjan Golobic
Sun 6 Dec 2009 12:51
The Spalax is rolling heavily in the NE swell, but
is still making good headway. Down below it's getting pretty bumpy and any
free-standing object keeps sliding back and forth of its own accord. Still,
Paola, our Italian Cordon Bleu, managed to concoct a Spanish tortilla fit for a
king (OK, emperor). She grabbed the tortilla with her own bare hands in the nick
of time, as it was about to slide off the plate and onto the floor. Just as
well, because the tortilla was totally delicious. An uneventful night with a
polled-out genoa, travelling at a maximum speed of 9 knots. The fish are still
not biting. I have to change the bait.
About the Iridium telephone: I am rather
dissatisfied with the servce, because the signal keeps cutting out, so I
have to keep reconnecting to the service. Also, the voice reception is
almost inaudible, while on the other side of the line, the voice comes over
loud and clear. Yes, I adjusted the volume to