Pacific passage: Galapagos to Marquesas: Day 1 and 2

Jan Morten Ruud
Tue 9 Mar 2010 22:22
Sailed distance: 288 NM
Distance to Marquesas: 2698Nm
Dear readers,
We are well on the way over the Pacific, towards the Marquesas. The start at Galapagos where spectacular with almost the whole fleet at the starting line. There were some few boats that were not able to take the start. Special thoughts from Ronja to you all. We dearly hope you get your boats ready and start the chase to catch up with us. The start went off in light winds, and Ronja got well positioned in the middle of the fleet. After the busy and rolly harbor in Santa Cruz, it was just a thrill to be at sea again.
The life on board has started to get well organized. The watch duties have started and we probably need a couple of days to get into the rhythm.
The first night - always special - started with a lot of activity on the VHF. One of the boats had lost their on-board email service. The rest of the night went fine with little wind so we had to motorsail in periods.
We are now at day two, and we have caught a yellow fin tuna. Due to the circumstances we will not have it preserved to be hung on the wall back home - we will eat it yam-yam.
The highly skilled and trained computer nerds on Ronja have started a new branch of Ronja High Seas Production. We are proud to announce that computers and other computer driven equipment can be delivered to SY Ronja for repair and maintenance. Please contact Snorre on SSB or VHF to agree on pickup place. The pickup service are discontinued during heavy squall activities.
The president of High Seas Production - Computer Repair, Snorre, says there have been quit a lot of drop offs, so some lead time must be taken into account.
We are all fine,
The very best from Patrik, Stian, Snorre, Vilde, Vibeke and Jan Morten