Re: Day 4: The gang-up

Jan Morten Ruud
Thu 26 Nov 2009 12:13
(For new readers - please refer to yesterday's blog for the background to
today's blog)
Report from the Ronja Beer Audit Commision
"After rumours emerged of sacred beer bottles being consumed by the vessel's
Captain outside of Ronja's approved Beer Consumation Scehdule, the Commision
immediately performed a bottle count and controlled each bottle level and
labeling. We are happy to announce that the audit found every bottle in
place. We therefore consider the rumours unsubstantiated.
Vibeke Ruud
In a separate statement, the Beer Audit Commision also stated that small
mutinies should take place on a regular basis. As Mrs. Ruud commented: "Not
much else is going on out here so we might as well make som mayhem on our
Therefore, we conducted a survey of Ronja's crew members and asked them
"What would you do after your first mutiny?"
And here are the answers:
Stian and Snorre: Free cokes for all! The sugar water regime will be
abolished with immediate effect.
Vibeke: Stop the running of the generator at night while all decent people
are trying to sleep. I can deal with wind and waves, but I will not drive a
Honda as long as their generators are so noisy. And why on earth are all the
fumes ending up in my cabin?
Harald: I would put in place a crew council where all decisions, big and
small, should be discussed in detail before any action takes place. For
example: Are we really sure that the tornado is about to hit us? An
important question like this should not simply be acted upon! We really need
to delve into these issues before scarce crew energy is wasted! Also, I
would like to propose to the council that we head for the workers' paradise
of Cuba instead of capitalist Rodney Bay. I am particularly excited about
the employment prospects on the island. After all, Fidel is sick and Raoul
ain't doing so hot either.
Vilde: I think everything is perfect and would like to keep things as they
are. (Rest of crew: Boooooo!)
Several attempts to contact Captain Ruud for a commented resulted only in a
statement in Norwegian that roughly translates to "We have Balalaika
orchestra on board"
In a separate statement, Captain Jan Morten Ruud of S/Y Ronja annouced the
creation of his new enterprise "High Seas Production" with their "12V
anywhere" service. An excited CEO states that: "With the installation of the
especially Ruud-reinforced towed-propeller-generator we now have four
sources of electricity which creates a huge surplus for us. Thus, for a very
reasonable fee we will offer battery top-ups to any vessel west of the
'Verdes. We feel certain that the service is going to be an immediate
success and in order to meet the expected future demand we already have
plans for installing a medium-sized nuclear power plant in the aft cabin.
In tomoorrow's blog: The 15-year plan for reaching Rodney Bay and other
stories from your affectionate crew aboard Ronja.
Coordinates: W25.17.519., N22.58.730
Distance totalt current rute: 2720 Nm
Sailed distance last 24 hours: 166,5
Sailed distance since start:693,5 Nm
Distance left (current route to St. Lucia): 2094,00 Nm