Pacific passage: Galapagos to Marquesas: Landfall

Jan Morten Ruud
Sun 28 Mar 2010 02:27
Sailed distance: 3020 NM
Distance to Marquesas: 0 Nm
Dear readers,
Landfall Marquesas - Hiva Oa - PARADISE .
After 18 days, 21 hours and 28 minutes we crossed the finishing line just outside the harbor of Hiva Oa. Calling Rally Control we immediately got response from Paul on the VHF. After some minutes we where advised to our anchorage, where some other World ARC boats where waiting to help us with the anchorage. The harbor is quite small, and is subject to some swell so both bow and stern anchor is needed to have a comfortable and safe anchorage.
Again we where greeted by the other World ARC boats that had arrived before us, creating a very special atmosphere of enjoy and happiness. We had safely passed the Pacific, having friends waiting for us, being part of a community that cares for each other - all with the same interest during these two years of our their and our life's.
Having securely anchored the boat, we went ashore to be greeted again by the World ARC and the local population of Hiva Oa. In the evening World ARC arranged a welcoming dinner at the Hanakee Pearl Lodge - an amazing resort - small, exclusive and just plain beautiful. We will for sure be back here during our stay.
Now it is time for sleep, the whole crew of Ronja seems to be exhausted having arrived - all looking for a long night sleep.
The very best from Patrik, Stian, Snorre, Vilde, Vibeke and Jan Morten