Passage to La Libertad Equador

Position 02:13.017N, 80:55.324W
Doldrums – the Intertropcial Convergence Zone around equator - an area of calms
with widely rain showers and thunderstorms. THUNDERSTORMS – the captains most
feared weather feature. Being out on the sea with a 21 meters stick up in the
air, with thunderstorms is just crazy. The
ITCZ moves around a little, and when we crossed it, it was placed approx. from 6
degrees north to around 3 degrees north with a little more than medium
convection (that is what makes the
thunderstorms). The
rest of the crew had though promised the captain that they do all the watches so
the captain could go below in one of the cabins and hide out the
thunderstorms. Day
one of the passage where done out of the ITZC, in beautiful weather, in light
winds from north so that we could motor sail. The kids throw out the fishing gear, we
were in all modesty in the best area of the world for fishing tuna, swordfish
and marlins. It did not take long time before we heard the nice sound of the
reel giving out line – bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz – bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz – bzzzzzzzzzzzzz, two
hundred meter with line out in some seconds. Then some large splashes and it was
gone … Out
with the fishing gear again, and there it was again, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz –
boooooom this time it took the lure and went. Around us we saw blue marlin and
swordfish’s jumping out of the water – it was amazing. We managed to catch a
dorado of about 5-6 KG. Day
two – we got the weather forecast from frivind – our weather router. “you are
now in the ITZC – expect variable wind, black sky’s and regular rain and
thunderstorm’s”. The sky was indeed black and around we saw monstrous clouds
chasing around. To make a long story short. There was a small fleet of WARC
boats out there – relaying weather conditions all the time. We used 1,5 days to get through the ITZC
and we managed to do some squalls slalom that we learned in the ARC, and
outsmarted two thunderstorm’s. And amazingly the night, which is supposed to be
the worst part, we had clear skyes with stars. What a
relief. Day tree – approaching Equator. The third day was calm with no wind, no fish, a lot for abandon fishing line floating around far out in the sea. In the afternoon we were approached by an open boat around 20 feet with two large outboard engines. With all the focus on piracy we got quite nervous when approached by this boat. When it arrived we saw tree fishermen in the boat (200 Nm out in the sea) where it looked like they lived for some days. In the boat they had an open grill to cook on, several large cans with petrol and fishing gear. They asked if we would like to by some fish – phuuu. The night become the most busiest during this passage. We had overcast with some squalls with light wind and rain. We saw lightening around us during the most of the night, but it was always at far distance. Around midnight a small boat appeared just ½ mile from the boat and circled around us for 3 hours during the night. It was probably a small fishing boat. In the morning Stian alarmed the captain that there where a small flags ahead – indicating fishing lines. Just entering the cockpit I see lines just ahead of the boat, grabbing the wheel turning sharp to starboard and cutting the engine. Looking out we saw then line wrapped around our keel. We managed to get loose of the line, it had not caught the propeller, During the whole trip to Ecuador we where 2 to 5 boats sailing together – Noeluna and Ronja being close to each other the whole time. It was a great help and relief to have another boat there together with you on all the happenings. Equator - se own own log.
4 – Landfall Equador, La Libertad. We
have always thought of Equator as very warm – it is not – infact we are sitting
in the boat with our full weather gear on. It looks just as Norway, grey sky
varying from black to light grey, quite cold, rain. Just entering the 06:00 to
09:00 duty, and it is freezing. While writing this log it is 11:30 and it still
quite cold and gray with some rain. The whole WARC fleet are joking around that
it is just like being in England, Scotland, Baltic, …
Throughout the night we encounter fishing boats with long
floating/drifting lines, and it was a nightmare figuring out what way to go.
Sitting here now, passed the whole Ecuadorian fishing fleet, seeing La Libertad
in the distance is just great. We have ETA around 13.00. It shall be nice to
meet the others and the WARC crew waiting for us on the pontoons
again. |