O-boy what i night ...

Dear readers, Been at Aruba for 5 nights, fixing some problems with our charging
system - which now is back in order, we have recognized the strong tradewinds
blowing at 20-35 knots over the Island. We have though promised Paul in WORC that we will be in Panama no
later than the 25th of January, so it was time to leave our nice and sheltered
harbor. After a lot of local advices we have decided to go the coast of Columbia
- it is said to be better weather (i.e. less wing and waves which there is
plenty of out here). Harald - I have seriously thought about adding a wave power
plant to our High Seas Production on board. Of we went 5 PM so that we would reach the coast of Columbia in the
early morning. O-boy - what a night. After a couple of hours the wind picked up as
it where no limits to how much it could blow. After steadying out at 32-36 knots
with regular gust around mid 40, we got an interesting sea. We could for sure
sell tickets to all the nearby rollercoaster fans. We are normally very
pleased with 1.st officer Raymarine, but this night he must have got a cold
or perhaps the swine flue. Taking Raymarine out of duty, there where hand
steering in the total black void for the rest of the night (the moon was up for
one hour). Approaching the cost of Columbia it actually started to settle
down, both wind and waves. It actually settled down so much so Raymarine
where put back on duty, and some of us took a nap in the cockpit. Then it was
that Go Beyond secret weapon hit us (hi Go Beyond - the ARC race is over).
A tremendous wave braked in our aft, over the davits and plumed direct into the
cockpit and further down in the aft sleeping quarters as well as the saloon. At
least we got the showers and the cleaning done. After this it seemed that we where protected from the Columbian
coast, for the weather just got better and better. Now we are cruising along in
10-12 Ms with waves less than 1 meter and everything is just
greate. Stian and Snorre have pulled out the fishing gear with the biggest
hooks we have. Why is it that they always has to try to get the biggest and
ugliest ? Patrik, our new crew from Linna 4 in ARC 2009, is doing greate
onboard. He is a real asset, both social and with the duties on borad. So to Patrick parents, thank you for
supporting Patrik on his trip with us through Panama canal and the further to
Marquesas and Tahiti. Patrik is ok, he got a little wet during last night, but
has dried up now and are up maneuvering the boat in trick Columbian waters. It
charts has this lables that says “not yet surveyed” Harald, what the he.. does
that mean, I thought you were down to clear everything. That’s all for now, Ronja Position 12:08.012N, 72:22.029W |