Boarding - Lure Wanted - Concerts

Jan Morten Ruud
Sat 13 Mar 2010 13:23
Position 05:01.72, 105:51.11W
Sailed distance: 1000 NM
Distance to Marquesas: 1998Nm
Dear readers,
We can tell you that there has been some excitement these three days. 450 Nm out at sea two of the World Arc Yachts reported that they had been approached by two small open fishing vessels which had tried to climb on board the yachts. One of the yachts is sailing in a group of 5 yachts which have developed, of which Ronja is one. They did not think that they where harmful in any way, they just wanted to come on board to sell or ask for something. They did however not allow the persons come on board, which the respected and get out of the way.
Later that day the wind picked up and it developed quite nasty waves. We were in an area where we got swell of 2-3 meters from two directions. That, together with the wind waves from 20 knots of wind, peeking to 30 in squalls (of which there was a lot) the sea got quite uncomfortable. Due to this we had a quite rolly and sleepless night. Great was the relief when the sea calmed down in the morning and become quite nice. There was not many of the crew on Ronja awake the first part of the day. The weather has been grate since.
After a successful catch of a beautiful yellow fin tuna, the fishing activity has been intensified. At March 10, 22:30 UTC there was a huge fish that took the bait. It chewed right through the wire and went away with the lure. This lure is quite special, handmade by Ferdinand on the yacht Noeluna. The Royal Norwegian Fishing Department have therefore issued a reward of 1000NOK for the successful catch of this fish. The amount will be paid by the captain of SY Ronja given the delivery of the lost lure.
There will be concerts held in the proximity of Ronjas positions in the South Pacific. The concerts will be broadcasted on VHF channel 69 at 19:15 each day. For listeners that would like to participate live on the boat, call Vilde on VHF 77. There will be a pickup service for transit between boats, and sundowners will be served at 19:00.
The first concert was held on march the 11th, and the response was extraordinary. Thank you to all good sail friends out there for the moment.
And to all the people back home, we are all fine.
The very best from Patrik, Stian, Snorre, Vilde, Vibeke and Jan Morten