2 Jun – Dolphins, dolphins, dolphins
Today a pod of dolphins stopped to feed just behind the boat, where we have been anchored for several days. When DolphinQuest, the catamaran we followed earlier in the week appeared and all their guests got into the water we did the same. It was a group of about eight Atlantic Bottlenose dolphins that had come to eat something in the sand – possibly garden eels. They swam across the sea bed with one ear close to the sand and when they heard whatever it was they were listening for they spun in a tight circle around it and then dug out their snack with their beak.
They seemed mildly curious about the snorkelers and often came for a close look when coming up for air - the water was about 30 feet deep. We didn’t appear to distract them from their feeding though as they remained there until it got too dark to see them, and 4 different groups of people had been and gone. A fantastic experience being able to watch them doing what they do, and seeing that given the choice they definitely chose to stay and check us out.