On Passage to Sydney!,

Sat 17 Nov 2012 12:35
S18 19.6  E178 18.27
Saturday Night
a blog entry at last!!!!
It's Saturday night and I tore myself away from the loud music and transvestites at the Hard Rock (difficult) and finally set off. It is early morning and with 25knots from the south I am doing between 10 and 11 knots towards New Caledonia.
It is never easy to leave a place that you love and we have found loads this trip but Fiji has stood out above them all..it is beautiful and has the best people in the world,,fact!!!
.....so much so , and here comes the shock horror.. that the family have decided to move there this coming January...

breaking news you heard it here first!

Yes, sea sickness, a yearning for same age company and a diminishing bank account has finally got the better of the ships crew, which is not suprising really, the family have been so good indulging jme for th east 3 years...they deserve a decent run ashore!
After Sydney we will return to Nadi for the children to start in the International School at the end of Jan (the start of the school year). I will return and move Nakesa to NZ for a few months and a Easter cruise with family and then back to Fiji for next season.
However....I am going to complete the circumnavigation by doing stages single handed and working in between (it could take a few years!!) with family holiudays in the good bits, so Nakesa will keep moving!
Anyway, all exciting stuff and the reason you havent heard from  us for so long is that..WE WERE HAVING TOO GOOD A TIME!!!!!, I was also looking at businesses, schools, etc
We partied very hard with Cant and DB cruised the Yasawas, which was v scary as lots of the coral reefs are uncharted and difficult to see, a couple of near misses were had and we certainly owe the boat to Josh Foote foor his super sharp reef spotting ability! WE also ran out of gas (Not petrol Americans!) for the first time and had to barbeque on the beach for a few nights after paying Sevu Sevu to the chief of the village which involved drinking Cava, giving up my youngest child and hear everyone exclaim loudly when they heard Phaedra was half Fijian.
It turns out that everyone is Phaedras cousin in the Yasawas!
So after getting thrown out of most of the backpacker resorts for laughing too much (seriously) we returned for 2 weeks in Denerau..one of the best marinas anywhere, water electricity and a morning paper all for £18 per night!!!!
So yes it was hard to leave but at least not for long.
So how are you all doing..drop me a line if you have time (no attachments please) as I will be at sea for 2 weeks!!!
Love to all
sent from sat phone
SY  Nakesa
sweethearts and wives ...may they never meet, and the Queen, God Bless 'er!