Foul Winds but Fun Fishing
Here are the last three days log
entries...everything great on board but weather is getting very challlenging I
am having to resist getting competetive...any way must dash down .1 knot so
better change spinnakers!!!!!
26/11/10 18 35N 23 26W FrIday Day 6, Today the winds were light and
from the north, there were clouds partially obscuring the sun, took a noon sight
for latitude but no sun visible in the afternoon. Jody went up the mast to fix
the connection on the navigation light. A reasonable day sailing but forecasts
of calms and SW winds are ahead and no sign of the trade winds promised at this
latitude. Great day though, crew in good spirits sphagetti carbonara for lunch,
Atlanta was missing MacDonalds so I made hamburgers and baked the buns for
dinner. Ashley introduced A&A to Peter Sellers films which they loved. Ships
time changed back an hour today to GMT+1. 27/11/10 17 56N 25 23W Saturday Day 7, Morning watch with A&A and Atlanta caught her first fish, brought it in and then cleaned it when Jody woke up. Aston caught one too but we lost it reeling it in. The excitement caused woke up the whole crew. Another lovely day, we are really settling in to life aboard. Latest Grib files show no trade winds until next Wednesday and then only at 12 degree north. We are heading 240 degrees but decided not to worry about it too much. Big boat clean before lunch and Nakesa looked much better. Lunch of Serrano ham and Jody’s freshly baked bread which was excellent, a man of many talents! Easy afternoon trying to maintain 5 knots, wind round to the south. Aston caught a large fish at cocktail hour which was very exciting and Ashley and Jody cleaned it immediately. Phaedra made a great chicken hotpot (stew sound a bit dull which was excellent and the children enjoyed ‘the gods are crazy’ another great film brought by Ashley and destined to become a firm favourite. Progress disappointing into the evening, even had to turn north at one point but settled in to a westerly heading during the night. 28/11/10 17 42N 28 05W Sunday Day 8, today was grey, overcast and
with a strong 20 knot headwind! This is not the trade winds, in fact it could
easily have been the English channel in June. We made good speed on a course of
280 degrees for most of the day so we ticked of miles towards St Lucia, (and
found out the next day that this earned us nearly 90 places). The forecast was
less than optimistic, a depression to the north causing sw winds which got
stronger the further north you go and lasting until the weekend..with a seasick
crew this was not going to go down well, and the favourable winds to the south
more than 250 miles away and also not looking reliable after Wednesday, best
option would be to sit it out in the Cape Verdes but this is not really an
option for us and now we are into the pattern of the voyage it seems a shame to
break it, anyway we are already past them. A difficult decision whether to stay
north and we opt to continue whilst we can head for St Lucia and review it as
more weather information comes through or the wind
changes. 29/11/10 17 06N 29 40W Monday Day 7, What frustrating wind, a shift in the night meant that we took a positive decision to tack south, only to then find the wind backing and decreasing and us heading west. Tacked again and again it headed us. Spent all morning like this with squalls passing through which brought rain, increased wind and 3 degree veer in direction. It felt like we were going around in circles until the sun finally came out and a more constant south westerly developed giving us 6-7 knots on 290 – 300 degrees, still not heading for St Lucia but at least in something like the right direction. Then the next weather files arrived along with a revised forecast from Chris Tibbs who confirmed my overview, north to stronger headwinds, very far south to light and variable trade winds....not much of a choice. Seduced by speed we continued for 3 more hours and then tacked south. And here is the difficult bit, the decision should have been easy, sun and comfort versus wet and windy, however with the weather came the race positions and whilst I promised myself that these would not matter our westerly course had made a big difference to our position. We were watching Sulana, now in 25th place but we had caught up 35 miles and had jumped from 190th to 95th , we are also further south so likely to make more gains. But then ‘Fred ’ our old neighbour and well behind us two days ago had gone even further south and was now well ahead in 57th position. Admittedly we hadn’t motored at all and I am sure most of the others would not have sat out the last two frustrating nights but even so! The results are hard to ignore but I wish they were not published and I also wish that the cruising division was totally non competitive as it certainly influences one’s decision making; for the worse. Were it not for the family I would undoubtebly have gone west to start with and certainly would now, just to get a good result, but knowing this will not be good for the boat or the morale of the crew, I have decided to commit to going south, down to 14 degrees north at least although the day getting there when we will make no progress towards our destination will need some goes! Second morning finding flying fish on deck much to the childrens delight, who have been wonderful, watching movies and playing happily. Great cocktail hour and dinner (as always) boat life really is good and we certainly aren’t counting down the days to arrival, in fact Phaedra read the St Lucia article in Yachting World and doesn’t think it looks that good! |