Monday 53:03N 50:50W

Mark Hillmann
Mon 25 Aug 2008 12:00
A better day, we got our 101
miles. There was another good breeze through the day, although
it was close ahead all the time.
The wind went light in the evening as usual but
then came back in a 9pm last night. At 1am it was blowing hard enough for
me to roll the genoa away completely, leaving staysail and full main.
I ducked reefing in the dark.
By 8 this morning I rolled out half the genoa, but
pulled down one reef to compensate. We are holding 5 knots, which to
windward is quite enough. Windows both sides getting occasional
washes. There is even a bit of sunshine.
Birds but no whales recently, although Navtex
reports from Boston are telling shipping to keep clear of right whales in the
The great shearwaters are around with the fulmars
all the time. They behave in much the same way, low over the waves, but
are a bit more sociable. You often see two or three shearwaters in
formation, gliding fast up and down over the waves. Sometimes even in
formation with a fulmar.
I had a very clear view of a petrel. I noted
it in the log as a Leach's petrel, the wing bars were similar to a sketch in one
book, but it could have been a Storm petrel or Wilson's really. The
ones that flew round the boat cheeping at me the other morning, when I first put
my head out after daylight, I put down as Wilson's but I need a better look to
distinguish them.
More breakfast now, on to the coffee and
bread & marmalade. Toast is not allowed as there is not enough