Day 14 - ARC Completed in St Lucia and a little reflection

Lee and Andrew
Tue 11 Dec 2012 13:30
Well we made it,
Lee and Andrew still talking to each other and Lee planning where to next
(as you would expect)
Pete and Darb still talking to us and each other and reflecting fondly on
the past 2 weeks and desperately awaiting fresh company (their respective
Distance Travelled: 2782nm
VMG: (straightline speed) 8.9kn
Max Speed: 19kn
Max Miles in 24hrs: 265nm
Miles without Main sail (flaked on deck): 1800nm
Miles without Jib (flaked on deck): 620nm
Miles under spinnaker (prior to it exploding): 110nm
Number of Flying fish on Deck: 24
Number of Dorado Caught: 3
Number Gourmet Meals Consumed (cooked with fresh ingredients): almost all
Best Breakfast: Poached eggs with Serrano ham
Best Lunch: Fresh Cooked Quiche
Best Main: Slow Cooked Pork Belly with Asian sweet sauce and rice
Best Red Wine Consumed: Penfolds St Henri
Breakages: Main Sail Outhaul and One Batten lost, Jib Top Shackle Broken,
A3 Spinnaker with top half divorcing bottom half, Generator Inverter Fried
Lost and Found Notice: #3 Main Batten approx. 600 miles east of St Lucia
lying in 4000m approx.
Bubble Wrap Crew Member Award: AB intrepid Boom Rider and Mast Climber Max
speed 17kn in 35kn wind while riding the boom with dyneema lashings in
Most Versatile Cook: Pete can make any sauce from any ingredients
Most Agile Fore deckie: Darb hapy to spend hours making sure all halyards,
sheets, kickers, toppers tweakers, poles, strops, foils, blocks and any other
parafinalia carefully aligned and stowed.
Most Valuable Crewmember: Lee, keen to hose off the cockpit to remove
discarded body hair and fish scales, vacuum the salon whilst healed at 30 deg
and keep the bathrooms all sparkling whilst preparing a meal, keeping the log up
to date, plotting our course and most other things us guys just don't think
Just a really good time had by all
Lee, Andrew, Darb and Pete