Day 13: Sunday 9th "14:17.33N 59:38.47W"

Lee and Andrew
Mon 10 Dec 2012 12:36
Started the morning with eggs and iberian ham and continued on with a
relatively non eventful day which is how we prefer the day to be.
Consistent winds around 20 – 24 knots saw us put away some good miles
through most of the day. Unfortunately mother nature decided to put in a
reminder around 6 pm that we weren't home yet and there was still no time to be
complacent. So just as we were plating up the tuna salad - which took on a
life of its own and began to head to all corners of the bench – basically any
where but in its bowl squalls came in gusting to 30 knots plus along with a call
from up top for immediate stowing of food while we reefed down.
With strong winds we made good progress throughout the night and are
excited to say that for the first time we have St Lucia on screen and only 70
odd miles away. Looks like a good chance of arrival and berthing in the daylight
which is a change from the midnight arrivals in strange ports that happens far
to often on passage.
Should be a busy day today as we shower shave generally tidy up and prepare
for our arrival.
At least it will be an end to the cyclic watches that see you dragged from
bed just as you have entered the deepest of sleeps or having some strange dream
that somehow incorporates the sounds and motion of the boat so effectively into
a completely unrelated scene.
So not long now and we will be raising the next of our courtesy flags – St