Day 3

Thu 8 Nov 2012 11:53
Greetings and Salutations from all the crew aboard S.V. Infiniti,
Today's blog is brought to you by Stephen, the one and only great American
(or token) aboard this voyage. The last twenty four hours have been very
exciting. To start with, late yesterday afternoon brought a welcome break to
the omnipresent overcast that has followed us from Gibraltar. As the sun set
the last rays were accompanied by a massive pod of dolphins. I estimate the
pod of at least fifty. The dolphins stayed and played for quite a while
until darkness separated us. Night came about with a clear sky. The stars
once again impressive in number. Few things are more beautiful than the
night sky filled with stars. Both Mars and Venus present too. The weather
was clear again this morning as Dan spotted a turtle swimming past. While it
was slightly larger than a dinner plate Dan waved as it went by. The contest
for the great moustache is well on. Yesterday's report of Dan winning was
slightly misleading. The lead is only on the vote of the crew that is under
his lash, uh, er, command. :) Best wishes to all and have a wonderful day!
The Crew of S.V. Infiniti
S.V. Infiniti
Current Position:
Distance Sailed last 24hrs: 197 miles
Course: 235'