The 23rd Day of November, 2012

Fri 23 Nov 2012 22:13
Exploits of the Great Sailing Vessel Infinite and her Crew, Salute,
Today we again wake to calm Seas and only a slight wind as we trek west. The
sky was clear enough last night that I believe I actually saw satellites
cross the night sky. Not airplanes as these do not blink and move incredibly
fast. The night was otherwise quiet and uneventful with the one exception.
In what seemed liked weeks, at nine p.m., we poled out the genoa once again.
We have reached another milestone of this adventure, our journey's end is
less than five hundred miles away. Both joy and melancholy as we near the
finish. The joy of completing an arduous task successfully and the
melancholy of it ending. Just before dinner I followed the example of the
Skipper, and lost a monstrous fish off the line. Since I was closest I
yelled Fish On, and began the task of reeling him in. (must have been a him
since it was so huge)As the power to the engine was reduced, I tightened the
drag to prevent the fish from running off with all of the line. Despite my
heroic effort, with a very tight drag ( Dan said too much drag) the line
broke. Taking with it a lure and I suspect, a fair portion of line. ( Not to
mention a slight bit of my pride)Oh the shame. My only saving grace is the
other half of Mr Mahi that is awaiting this evenings meal. Mmmmmm! Woe is
us, another dinner of Mahi Filet over a sunset to rival all sunsets. I hope
everyone had a very good Thanksgiving and remembered those who are not
present. I thought of all of you as I ate my hamburger for dinner.
Matt thoroughly enjoyed his mail from home. It has been brought up in the
ensuing conversation how nice it would be to get any and All sports scores
available. Andy especially misses the Bristol City scores as well as current
Cricket news. Both Matt and I would enjoy Formula One standings and race
Some of you may have noticed an absence of the Moustache war comments. When
you're so far ahead, and such a humble person, I tend to keep my lead
unspoken. :-) But do not worry to those who hope for a different winner,
it's not over.
From All of us, to All of you, The biggest hugs and kisses,
The Crew of the S.V. Infinite
Position: 15.54.3N 53.11.1W
Course: 264'
Speed: 5.3 knts.
Distance Travelled the last 24 hrs.: 147 miles