the 17th and 18th Days of November, 2012

Mon 19 Nov 2012 18:24
From the Crew of the Great Sailing Vessel Infiniti,
We send our deepest Love and biggest Hugs and Kisses (whichever one applies)
to you all,
Wow, Where to begin? The weather began getting a bit nasty on the afternoon
of the 16th. Winds had started to creep up well past the forecasted
velocity. We continued to reef (take in) both the main and genoa sails. At
that point, just at about dark ( always happens at night) we fractured a
hydraulic line on the Furler to the Genoa Sail (Fore sail). While this in
itself is not the worst thing that can happen, cheap in cost, we could no
longer use the hydraulics. On anything. It requires the oil that leaked out
from the line. All of the ships equipment that requires hydraulics, such as
all the sails, the anchor windlass, the back stay and boom vang operate from
a single source tank of oil. Empty. In calm seas the leak would have been
noticed much sooner. In ten to fifteen meter seas? Not so fast. As the
winds were also not finished in building, it was to prove a very long night.
To keep the boat from being overpowered in the winds we had to bring in what
little sail we had out. Dan and I went to the foredeck and started to furl
the sail. One eighth turn at a time. Because the railing of the push pit
does not allow a full turn of the winch handle. You have to stop, remove the
handle and reset it after half a turn. The size of the sail is the largest
on the boat. Despite a pitching deck in the driving rain, did I say the
dark? Oh yes, sorry, anyway, we got it in. All that was left was a three
reefed mainsail that was going to have to wait. All through the night the
rain came in sheets. The wind continued to climb, the computer says 46.8
knots was the highest, I swear I saw above 48, but was a constant above 38
knots for long periods. Occasionally the wind would drop below 35 knots and
I thought , "Yes!, its easing!!", only to hear it howl and rise again. The
morning came a dark grey. The clouds racing past, so close it seems you can
but reach out to touch. The winds were still enough to keep driving us at
eight plus knots with just the mainsail, but finally fell to an easy thirty
knots.. (yes, after a night like that, thirty knots is easy.) Finally the
full day came with more clouds but less rain. We have now rigged the sails
to use completely manual. It may take time and effort to raise the sails,
but we are comfortable again. Now if only we had the wind... :-) Big smiles
to all and everyone, we are all ok and none worse the wear. Despite all the
drama, we have remained on course. Maybe a slightly crooked course but we
had yet to use our engine in over thirteen hundred miles of travel. We do so
now because the wind has dropped to a measly five knots. See? Too much wind
and I complain. Too little wind, and I complain. Never satisfied. I will
now try to keep you all up to date even if we have a small blow. The sun is
shining, we are doing some laundry and drying out. The sun is bright with a
few clouds about, and the sea is once again that gorgeous deep blue...
From all of us aboard the S.V. Infiniti,
May the Sun and Winds be always at your back, Love, Hugs and Kisses,
The Crew of S.V. Infiniti
P.S. Moustache wars once again have a close tie for first. Dan is close only
because of some fancy engineering to be able to make use of the mainsail.
The out haul was most difficult. But, it is now rigged for full use. That is
only which keeps him close. Clark Gable (Matt) and Andy Murray (Andy) Are
in a close tie of the young guns.
Position: 18.39.6N 41.51.8W
Course: 259'
Speed: 7.1 knots
Miles in last 24hrs: 153