The 17th Day of November, 2012

Sat 17 Nov 2012 15:42
To all of the Loved ones, Friends, and Family of the Fine Crew of the
Sailing Vessel Infiniti,
Good Day to you!!,
As we all know, trips whatever form they take, whether by land or sea, have
certain milestones to achieve. In military terms they are called phases.
Leaving out the planning phase, (Don't nit-pick here General) you have a
start, halfway point, and end point (destination). Why you may ask is all
this terminology and over simplification including military jargon? Bingo!!
We have now reached our second milestone of our voyage! We have at or about
noon time today sailed past the halfway point in our journey. We are not
speaking of Palma, Majorca, or even Gibraltar. We are of course speaking of
our last landfall, Las Palmas. It is all downhill from here. Nothing but a
hop skip and a jump to the Islands. Now on to the day in the life aboard
S.V. Infiniti. Yesterday afternoon continued to be sunny even if a bit
breezy. We spent the major part of the day making nine to ten knots. May not
sound fast to land lovers, but here at sea, It's flying! Only drawback as
most sailors know, as the winds build, so do the seas. As night came we were
well reefed. Both the mainsail and genoa (Jib, foresail, or Yankee ) had
three reefs in. To the uninitiated, this means the size of the sails are
reduced. We still were making eight to nine knots SOG (speed over ground).
The night remained clear with the sky decorated in her finest diamonds. So
beautiful! But it was not to last. At five a.m., yes my watch, a very
unflattering dark patch appeared on the horizon. It very quickly obscured
the skies finest jewellery. And by five thirty a.m., it began to rain. It is
now ten past two p.m. on the 17th, and the rain has not stopped. On the
bright side, the winds have remained fairly constant and have not called for
any major sail changes beyond reducing in size. As with the wind we have
very steep and uneven swells. We are uh, rolling. I will still not complain
one bit as I cannot wish to be anywhere else. My one wish would to bring
each and every one of you to me. :-) To show you all the peace and solitude
this adventure brings with it. Have a wonderful day to you all! I hope to
have brought at the very least a slight smile to your face.
We keep you in our thoughts, dreams, and hearts,
The Crew of the good S.V. Infiniti
Position: 20.13.3N 36.23.0W
Course: 275'
Speed: 8 knots
Distance last 24hrs: 203miles
In the Moustache wars, I'm well out in the lead. (Stephen, as if you can't
tell), followed by my good friend and the Skipper, Dan. His uh, "Celtic
Gold" is nice. But the multi-coloured beauty of mine is Gorgeous! LOL,
Remember, I have the pen. An honourable mention to Andy despite missing
major portions of his "handle bar" style he endeavours to make work. No hurt
on Matt either. Consider it a "Clark Gable". It was once the rage I believe?
A bit before even my time.