Underway again!

Sun 11 Nov 2012 14:16
Greetings and Great Salutations from the crew!
This Eleventh day of November is a special day to all of us, a special day
to remember all of those that fought and died so we remain free from tyranny
and oppression. The short stay in Las Palmas allowed us to make our final
checks and services before the big run west. Leaving the sanctuary of the
harbour brought favourable winds behind us. The Skipper has ordered the new
uniform of shorts and African work boots. Gone is the cold weather gear.
The night brought us some shifty winds and allowed us to make good practice
of changing sails. Pole out to starboard, pole out to port, and pole out to
starboard. As I type we are under standard rigging with a single reef in
both the Genoa and Mainsail. Making great time at 9.5 knots. The dark sky
was extremely bright with stars from horizon to horizon. Mars again bright
and once in the sky stayed very close to the sliver of moon still present as
it wanes. Just after lunch a whale broached 200 yards to port. Took a great
breath of air and was gone. The moustache contest has brought the skipper
ahead slightly. ONLY SLIGHTLY! And that's because I haven't shaved in a few
days. :-) Hard to see my moustache for all the rest of my beard. But stay
tuned, as today I will shave and bring forward the monster of all
moustaches.. Grizzly. All is well. Camarli is keeping all fed well, Matt and
Andy doing great work on the foredeck, Dan keeping all of us straight and I
am getting caught up on my reading. Anyone that wishes to keep Dan, Matt,
and Andy apprised of the Football scores, Please feel free to send them as
you read them.
For now, all our love,
The Crew of Infiniti
S.V. Infiniti
Position: 25.58'.2N 18.00'.9W
Course: 261'
Speed: 9.5 knts